The problem with impact for EdTech companies

  • Accurate impact measurement requires significant resources and data infrastructure, making it challenging for EdTech companies to prioritise, especially in early stages of growth.

  • Most EdTech companies prioritise revenue and usage metrics over impact reporting, which they view as overly complex and burdensome.

  • When impact is reported, it often focuses on outputs rather than outcomes, with arbitrary links to SDGs, undermining the credibility of impact assessments.

Integrating Impact into EdTech Practice and Investments

The opportunity with impact for EdTech companies

  • WiKIT collaborates with vetted and experienced impact researchers, carefully matching them to develop accurate impact metrics tailored to each company's needs.

  • Our team works closely with companies on a one-to-one basis, helping them articulate measurable impact statements, create customised impact dashboards, and integrate them into existing data infrastructure.

  • We assist in developing data collection instruments as needed to capture new data.

  • We conduct thorough reviews or audits of existing impact reporting to ensure alignment between reported metrics and actual practices.

The problem with impact for EdTech investors

  • Decision-makers often adopt a static approach to measuring education impact, focusing on inputs (resources) and outputs (standardized learning outcomes) rather than the dynamic processes of learning and development.

  • This imbalance in the evaluation process can lead to inaccurate performance comparisons with a risk of "impact-washing" and "cherry-picking" in education impact reports.

  • Overemphasis on efficacy without considering the efficiency or cost-effectiveness of impact measurement efforts may increase this risk.

The opportunity with impact for EdTech investors

  • WiKIT Team aggregates, synthesizes, and consolidates impact metrics in EdTech, aiding companies and investors in enhancing their impact.

  • We adopt best practices from initiatives like Impact Frontiers, aligning with the Impact Performance Reporting Norms.

  • we construct tailored impact frameworks grounded in research-based evidence, ensuring that each investment decision is aligned with overarching impact goals.

  • Our approach facilitates the adoption of standardized impact reporting practices, contributing to greater transparency and accountability in the EdTech sector.

WiKIT assists for-profit and not-for-profit investors and funders to enhance their monitoring and evaluation practices. We work with leading specialist and generalist investors interested in EdTech and education with the same goal: to ensure that investments drive impact and return on education and community.Through training, workshops and joint strategising with the leadership teams, we offer in-house capacity building to elevate impact measurements. We ensure consistency of organisations’ impact metrics and impact narratives over time and in alignment with international standards and best practices within the EdTech ecosystem.


Monitoring & Evaluation


Impact communication